
Conversion limitations Vero

When converting Vero, there might be several things that you need to check post conversion. We list all of them here. Most things below will be mentioned in the conversion log as well. You can find this conversion in the destination system post conversion (under documents).

Only finalized transactions will be posted

We will only post finalized transactions from Vero. If a transaction is not finalized (doorgeboekt) we will not include the transaction in the conversion.

Periodic tables might be changed

We might need to change your periodic table to stop overlaps or gaps from happening.

Company code might not be converted if it is alphanumeric

When we detect a alphanumeric company code (dossier code) we will automatically create a new code in the destination system that is numeric only.

Some journals might be merged

We might need to merge several journals into a single journal. If you re-use the same nominal code for that journal (for example two bank journals with the same nominal code).

Opening balances

Dataswitcher will try to the best of its ability to recognize opening balances. Some scenarios that are not detected are explained below. It is always recommended that you verify the opening balance of every year in the conversion. For the best detection it is adviced to use the "openingbalans" flag in Vero when creating such an transaction. These will always be recognized and filtered out. Overall, Dataswitcher will try to find the first opening balance within your conversion that matches the date range (ie. for 7 years and conversion in 2020, we will find the opening balance for 2013) in your file and use that as a starting point. All data before that will be ignored. If Dataswitcher fails to find a opening balance in a year we will try to convert 2 years instead of 7 automatically.

Non closing opening balance

If the openingbalance transaction that was found does not zero out the previous year, we will create a correction booking that needs to be addressed.

Ending balances

Ending balances will only be detected if the next year, they are also being opened by an openingbalance.

Opening balances not on the first day of the new year

Openingbalances that are not dated on the first day of the new year, are not being considetered as opening balance transactions.

Skipped years in periodic tables

If you have skipped years in your periodic table, the opening balances might not be recognized.

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